Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year

There's nothing much to say about my way of celebrating New Year this year.Okay for those who added me on fb knew I was just joking.

Well supposedly I should have just sit around in home watching some movies and randomly adoring people outside playing the bumburumbumbum fireworks, or maybe updating my facebook on why the fireworks tak henti-henti berbunyi, but this time round I chose to celebrate new year differently. I accepted the invites from my fellow classmates to go join him to countdown for the last minute of 2011 at Krasnaya Ploshad, which I normally wouldn't do, so a big yay for me for going out at night.

Well the unsocially me don't really like the idea of going out at first, it's night and slightly dangerous out there, but I'm third year already and will turn to be 21 years old in next couple hours, and this chance may be my last chance to see how russians celebrate it, so why not I take this chance to see how's the Russians celebrate New Year. Plus the temperature is quite warm. Like I said, bila lagi? Dah alang-alang orang ajak, dan tahun tahun depan mana tahu tak ada yang mengajak, takkan nak pergi sorang-sorang?

Well to be honest, from what I saw, they were shockingly turned out to be quite friendly. Trust me, it's slightly weird to see them smile, and shame on me for being so buruk sangka on them. Most of them randomly wishing each other "S Novim Godom", which translated to mean "Happy New Year", and of course there will always be the typical "ooh the're foreigners" wandering eyes everywhere, but some of them were very nice (or maybe they're drunk) to wish us the same out of nowhere. And some even took pictures with us in the name of celebration. Heh.

The fireworks were nice, except for the fact that there were loads of people there and us Asians are of course smaller, and we've been pushed quite a lot and it's making us a bit difficult to watch the fireworks. And the fireworks also tak lama, only sekejap. But the celebration aura was there, it's not that up notch festival for me but we're having fun and that was all that matter.

too many people! Supposely boleh masuk dalam tu tapi ramai sangat orang huhu

And I got to see more fireworks dekat-dekat at one random park with my friend on the way home. It's almost 3 am but the kids were not sleeping yet and the adults were enjoying themselves, watching the fireworks. This one compared to the one in Krasnaya Ploshad was far more joyous, and it was such a romantic scene i must say. So pretty!

fireworks at the random park. got ice skate rink besides the big christmas tree.

sebelah tu ada ramai budak yang tengah main gelongsor ais and making snow angels.

So that's it, new year and new experience. Maybe it didn't sound so islamik, tapi i just wanted to see how they celebrate new year, and trust me, i'm a bit kesian of them. I don't know how Malaysians celebrated New Year in Dataran Merdeka and stuffs, my parents forbid me from going out at night, tapi seeing all the makcik and pakcik happily dancing like young people with alcohol in hands, and seeing hangover faces in metro this morning with serabai hair and smothered makeups with hoyong-hayang berjalan totally made me thinking that what's exactly have they achieved in this life by becoming that drunk on new year? Was that their new resolution or something? And did they know that they look totally stupid when they were drunk? Hmm maybe I should check those in Dataran Merdeka, just untuk muhasabah diri. Mana tahu lagi teruk dari depa semua ni, kan kan, manalah tahu.

It's not that i'm saying i'm better than them, it's just i think it was totally unnecessary to be drunk. I mean there are lots of stuffs that you can do to be happy, why took that part to degrade yourself when they're lots of choices instead? That's the part that I don't understand about people who drink alcohols to relieve the sadness. Well of course it's easier for me to say cuz i'm not a drinker, but still, I think it's so pathetic to consume things that can cause us fake-ly
happy. It's not like your problems will disappear into thin air macam tu saja anyway.

Hmm entahlah, hopefully they will see the light before its too late. Sedih tengok nasib mereka.

Anyway new year, new resolution kah?
Umm rasanya dah lama dah i stop doing that, so no new resolution for me this year round except for the typical being better one. Akhirat and dunia. And talking about resolutions, I think most of my last year's resolution came true I think. But like I care that much on resolution kan? Haha

So salam tahun baru untuk you guys, hopefully 2012 will be a better year for all of us.

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